Quick Update
>> Monday, June 1, 2009
The next day (Thurs), it went up as high as 38.5 degree Celsius. I started to worry, tried drinkin lots of water eat medicine and the fever subsided.. AGAIN!! My cousin Mag was back and we supposed to meet up on Wed night but because she delayed her flight we only manage to meet up on Thurs night! Guess where we met? We met Havana Club in Tropicana Golf and Country Resort Club. Gosh! I didn't even know we're actually going to a "club" or more like a bar I would say. My mum thought it was suppose to be like a karaoke room or something. So happened it was Ladies Nite, all the aunties were nicely dressed up! Dancing and drinking their way.. I felt a lil retarded wearing t-shirt and jeans! Anyway, I was dragged up by the Emcee to play game! "OMG! What the hell rite? Sciccors, paper, stone.." It took us quite a while as Aunty Nancy's son, Vincent and I kept DRAW-ing.. At last I won myself a dining voucher for 2 at a restaurant in the club." As usual, my aunt, my grandma and all the aunties went joget, dancing, twist...... WOW! They are so "hawt"! ahhaha! You know what I meant huh! But THUMBS UP for them, SPORTING!
Next day, my fever came back, to a more scary temperature! 39 degree! So mum asked me to visit the doctor to seek advice as I have pain at my right waist too. **fast forward** Had the medication and then headed to bed! I woke up and my temperature went up even higher! I was shocked! "OMG.. What is this now? 39.6 degree? After taking medicine?" I just pray and pray and pray hoping that miracle will happen instead." I fell asleep again. Till my mum was back, my temperature never go below 38 degree. Mum started worrying. Afraid that I can't even enter Australia. I had all sorts of treatments! The chinese ones, the westerns.. And I had an injection the next morning! I did a blood test too as mum afraid it might be some deadly virus attack e.g H1N1 or Dengue!
Anyway, thanks to that injection, my body temperature now is 35.8 degree which is quite abnormal. Haha! Off an on it will rise a lil to make me feel more NORMAL. Yesterday, I went to church. Pastor Victor preached on the stories behind Hymns. It wasn't a hard sermon though but it was interesting! Till the end of the sermon, he ended with "Please do not give up on yourselves because our Father will never give up on us. There is never too late to make a change. Have faith in Him." Somehow this sentences touched me! Tears rolling down because I've faced a tough week. Things happened, happy ones, sad ones, unbelievable ones.. He answered my prayers! I know that last statement of Pastor Victor's sermon is for me. God is speaking to me! It's between My Father and Stephanie!
After church, we headed to Marche for lunch. Then, met my seller to COD. Bought a t shirt for my bro from Rose Avenue (I've linked them if you noticed!), an online boutique runned by guys! Not bad! *recommended* Next, bro went for his specs! Took us quite long there! After choosing and choosing, he finally made up his mind! Then, we have to wait for 1 hour and 45 minutes for his specs to be ready! We walked around The Curve and Ikano. There goes our day!
I ended my night by packing my luggages to check if I missed anything! I hope I will have an enjoyable and safe journey there! Will update once I'm back! Thanks!
Steph will be leaving KL to Gold Coast today,
1st June 2009 and will be back on 8th June 2009!
See you guys soon! -sign out-
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