I Love My Weekend
>> Monday, March 2, 2009
The 27th, 28th of Feb & 1st of March..
I enjoyed my weekend as much as I enjoyed the time I spent with my family! Hmm.. One thing bad spending so much time during my weekend is.. LAB REPORT NOT DONE! (Mum's gonna kill me if she sees this!) *haha* On Friday night, I learnt a new board game, RISK! I know it's like WTH, but it's really my first time! It was fun & I won the game. *evil grin* (Baby obviously just make moves to let me win since it's my first time!)
The next morning, me & Chris went to McD for breakfast again since it's the last day the voucher is valid! After that, we headed to DryCut at Jusco Kepong for a haircut! **fast forward** Night time.. We went to Tesco to meet a buyer! I manage to sell my mum's phone higher than the original price we bought. *syok sendiri*
The next day, we went to church. Pastor preached on pride, ego & self-centreness. It's very true that pride can cost u a BOMB! This is one story my pastor mentioned that I'll never forget..
"Do you know why Titanic sink? Iceberg? Yes. It seems that everybody said that the the collision with the iceberg caused a BIG hole and hence sink the ship. The fact is not true. According to a researcher, the hole was just a small little one compare to the size of the ship. It's just the size of the door perhaps. The truth was because the owner of Titanic actually mentioned that no one can sink my ship, the mighty Titanic. Not even GOD! Note this! He's challenging God..."
The story went on. Actually it's quite true. I'm not sure how many of you will accept this saying but God is almighty! He can bring u high up, He can also bring u down! Do not ever challenge God! After service, Gab & I attended Rev. Paul Kok's seminar on spiritual gifts. It was a nice course to attend! At the end of the session, there were some session with the Holy Spirit. Oh well, it's all in you. Do good, be good, act good, eventually you'll live GOOD!
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