Swan's 20th, Eugene's 21st & Christmas Party

>> Friday, January 2, 2009

Hi people! I'm back! It's time to de-stress.. (Obviously, that's an excuse for me to SNEAK here to update my blog!) I know it has been quite a while since I updated.. Well.. I shall be as brief as I can so that my blog can be up to date! So, there you go!

Happy belated birthday to both my dear cousin, Sook Wan and my housemate, Eugene! Should have post this up so much much earlier but laziness and time has stopped me from updating! Let's start from the very very beginning.. Early morning that day, we headed to Sports Complex in uni for "badminton". **fast forward**

Then, it's time to throw Swannie and Eugene into the pool! TOo bad no pictures were taken! Only a VIDEO! Super super long video! One surprise for all of us was... YANG was back! After lunch, we headed to Jusco Cheras Selatan to get PRESENTs for the burfdae boy & girl while CY & PS go crazee searhing for weapons to attack them at nite.. (Flour, Syrup, Ice Potong etc etc)

**fast forward** Guests arrived --> Games --> Birthday cake --> War! --> Shower --> Another cake --> Mamak --> Drinkin + Game.. At the end of the day, I was heavy headed! OMG! Thanks to CY & Peng Sang.. Lastly, Merry Christmas to all of YOU!

* Before the war begin *

* after the war *

Some addition to this post will be UP soon! Check this out and compare ya!

2 cha chi chu(s):

ps January 4, 2009 at 1:13 AM  

cy, good job in killing steph!

munzz January 4, 2009 at 6:30 PM  

idiot! grr~ u guys revenge on me!

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